
JSON Formatter, Validator & Path Finder

JSON Formatter is an online tool that transforms JSON string into a beautiful easy to read HTML representation JSON tree view. Various features make it differ from other JSON viewers are that JSON Formatter allows you to find the path to the key by clicking the icon next to the key name. This simplifies the process of creating JSONPaths based on mocked responses. In a complex JSON string it gets difficult for the human being to find the Label, this tool gives you the ability to find and mark label by their name and by their value type, it makes it easy to search the entire string and find the desired value from it. Not only these but this tool debugs and validate the entire JSON string and gives you exact line number and error which occurs in the entire JSON string while formatting.


  • Collapsible and Expandable Child Nodes.
  • Easily readable and beautiful DOM structure.
  • Path Picker.
  • Find and Mark or Highlights labels, & values by types.
  • Easy debugging of complex JSON strings.
  • Representation of JSON Nodes types and their indexes.


Have questions, found a bug, want to request a new feature or just want to say Hi!. Please write to us on [email protected]
1. Load json

Click on "load" button and load a json-string to opened form

2. Expand/collapse single nodes

By click on properties names (recursively - by CTRL/META + click)

3. Expand/collapse all tree nodes

By click on "expand all" and "collapse all" buttons

4. Mark/unmark node labels

By click on label with pressed ALT key

5. Show JSONPath of node

By click on label with pressed SHIFT key